Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ice, Ice Baby

What a day! Another balls to the wall day of work. I must admit, I love being busy like this. Makes the day fly by. Can't complain about that!

Donna and I decided we would brave the insane spring break traffic and run on our usual route. Pre-run snack was a juicy apple. I have quite a few that need to be eaten so you'll see a couple a day until I run out. :0)

The day was absolutely beautiful for a run. I even got to wear a tank top. Woohoo! I started out strong but about halfway into the run, I realized our usual route was too busy. On our way back, we split off into a neighborhood so we would have to stop so often. Once we got into the 'hood, we realized there was a marked and paved running trail. Score! All in all, we got a lovely 4 miler in.

Lunch was leftover pizza and two plums.

The ice was for the knees. I have been so lazy about icing after runs. All the pizza went into my tummy but the plums didn't make it until around 400 PM. I'm now snacking on some plain Goldfish while I try to figure out dinner. Have a great night!

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