Looks like there are chances of rain and will be windy this weekend but I'll take it! It's almost tornado season so we are used to wind in OK.
This is totally a tangent but is anyone else digging Timbaland and Justin Timberlake's "Carry Out?" I'm loving it! It's dir-tay so I change the station if the boys are in the car but if not, I'm dancing in my seat.
A little mini-vent . . . I was dropping the boys off at school and when I pulled up, a car blocked the entire driveway instead of pulling into it. I don't understand that. All these parents are in a hurry, trying to drop off their kids and no one can get to the front of the school because another parent was inconsiderate. Most of the parents are super nice and courteous but that kind of rubbed me the wrong way this morning.
Moving on to breakfast! I was craving chocolate so I went with Amazing Grass' Amazing Meal Chocolate Infusion. I used the entire packet for rib-sticking power.
I added it into my Green Monster. It tured it a tad brown but goodness, it's good!
My GM contained:
- Amazing Meal packet
- 2 huge handfuls of spinach
- 1 banana
- 1.25 cups rice milk
- 2T shredded coconut
- 3 handfuls of ice
I really want to run today but it's a strength day. Core work, here I come!!
Have you ever run into rude parents at school or daycare? If so, what do you do?
I can so relate to the rude parents thing...my daughter's school has more than it's fair share of those. I just try to ignore them because I am usually in too much of a rush to to anything else!!