Monday, March 15, 2010

Back In The Saddle

Morning! Does anyone else totally love that song? It always reminds me of that part in Shanghai Knights when Owen Wilson's character gets cut from the noose in the knick of time. Yes I love both Shanghai Noon and Shanghai Knights. Jackie Chan does his own stunts. Who doesn't love that?

Despite the time change throwing us off yesterday, I managed to get a fantastic run in with Baby Sis. We took two major breaks. One was a long walking break because we were chatting and gossiping. The other was because we were at our brother-in-law's (is that right?) mom's house. Her house is the perfect half-point pit stop in my neighborhood. She offered her backyard for Baby Sis' rehearsal dinner. Isn't that great? Big Sis has hers there and it was beautiful. They put a lot of work into their backyard and it's gorgeous in the Spring and Summer. Anyhoo, so those were the only breaks we had. We pretty much ran the whole time and it was one of those runs that I felt great and really hit my groove.

My legs were hurting after we wrapped up the 8 miler. That was not fun. I am in desperate need of new shoes but I've kept putting it off for one reason or another. It's time to get some new kicks for Retta. The Lover and I were going to hit up Academy yesterday evening but of course, Baby Boy fell asleep and by the time he woke up, the store was closed. Gah! This week for sure! I really feel like my knees will thank me.

I don't know about you but time changes rarely affect me. Sure, the actual day of the time change sucks but after that, no biggie. I may have  probably just jinxed myself. :0) I woke up this morning ready to get back into the routine but I could tell the boys were not ready for the morning. Big Boy woke up on his own but I had to wake Baby Boy up. Luckily, they were both in great moods and the morning went off without a hitch.

One reason? I prepped all my stuff (breakfast, lunch, etc) last night. My breakfast this morning was bowl of fruity goodness!

There are some oats buried under there, I promise. I prepped a bowl of overnight oats before going to bed last night. Overnight oats are so easy! I used:
  • a little less than 1/2 cup dry oats
  • 1/2 cup non-fat plain yogurt
  • 1.5t brown sugar
  • 1T soy milk
Mix all ingredients together, store in fridge over night. The next morning, add toppings. The great part about oatmeal is that you can add pretty much anything! I went with a small diced gala apple and a plum. Bombs of deliciousness were going off in my mouth!

Time to get caught up on emails and voicemails. Oh and did anyone peep out Lady Gaga's new video for Telephone? I love!!

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I know exactly where that Casa Perico is--my mom lives right across the street! We will have to check it out sometime.

    I love that Gaga is different, but I didn't love the video..I got a little bored with it.
