Monday, February 1, 2010


This will be a shortie post. I'm beat. My eats for the afternoon were not the most nutritious! I had two mint Oreos on the way to visit my sister and my new baby nephew in the hospital. I stuck the package in the freezer to keep me from totally inhaling them and it works! If you eat them straight out of the freezer, you might chip a tooth. :0) While holding that little guy, I totally got baby fever! The fever was burning for about 15 seconds before I realized my dudes fight all the time and I can wait a few more years for baby #3! For now, I have lots of love to spread to my nephews and nieces.

After the hospital visit, I had two handfuls of Nana's homemade trail mix. It contained dried pineapple, pumpkin seeds, cashews, dried coconut, banana chips, raisins and almonds. It's very yummy.

Once we got home, The Lover wasn't hungry so I decided on trying my hand at a fish wrap.

I used my leftovers from Chipotle and added some fish to the wrap. I pressed it in the good ol' George Forman grill. It was very, very good. I was surprised!

For dessert, I had some chocolate chips and a glass of vanilla almond milk.

This is going to sound crazy but I am so ready to go to work tomorrow. Being in the house has us all getting on the other's nerves. Admit it, Lover! I'm also very ready to get in a run. Since I didn't get to do anymore than 5 miles this past week, I'm going to push my training plan back a week. So although last week was supposed to be my taper week, I will just move it to this week. I. Am. So. Ready. For. A. Run!

Do you ever feel glad to go to work?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog :) Do you box too or you just like to watch? Just noticed you're hoping to run your first marathon this year, I'm hoping to run my first half!
